Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Web 2.0 tool: Isndr.... when "Quick n Dirty" is all you need

You know those times when you just need to pass a file to a friend, relative, coworker or other associate?  But the file you want to pass is either too  big for mail, or the sharing app provider wants either money and/ or information about you including what color your knickers are and what you had for breakfast?

No time for BS and just wanna "get er done"?   Try this!


This cool little tool lets you quickly share a file with a friend (or friends) super quick.  You upload your file and then send your recipients the "tiny URL" the site gives  you.  when  web over to that url, they will have instant access to download the file... the company that does this claims to not keep record of the file or the transaction so if privacy is a issue, well here is the fix.    Having said that, its just good user policy to encrypt ones data -anytime- it leaves your control....RSA is a great way to do that .... send  the url along with your public key and your recipient can unencrypt the file

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